Wednesday, May 30, 2012

letting go of those that bring you down

These past few weeks have been very difficult for both Kyle and I and Monday night proved to be a feat that we both needed to happen to see just who was in our life only  to bring us down. Its sad when you are friends with someone for so long only to find out that they do nothing but bad mouth everything you have. There is a point and time where you have to look around and evaluate if the person who you constantly find yourself stressed over is worth the stress anymore. Kyle and I shared a mutual friend who actually introduces us and on Monday found out that she was doing nothing but running around to people speaking nothing but ill words about our marriage and life together. While I can say I was pretty patient and managed to hold my tongue, I finally reached a breaking point. I am going to be 25 this September and I found myself stooping to level of a young girl who is a careless mother and nothing more. I may not have everything and my marriage is far from perfect, but whose it? Everyone has obstacles to overcome, hurdles they have to jump and decisions that will cause arguments because you have different views. Its called life, if everyone was perfect it would be pretty boring. In the end Kyle and I have made the decision final that come the end of this year when we look for our home we are going to be moving North. Far enough away from everyone and broward county, but close enough to be near my family and grandparents if anything every happens. A week ago this past Sunday my grandfather had a mild heart attack and seeing the man who is always the strongest and most willful going through what he did, we woke up and realized just what it is we want. We want people who are going to support us, not judge us. Individuals who will never speak ill of either one of us, and most importantly friends who will never bring us down  to the point that they are willing to ruin our family and marriage. While I could rant on about this certain individual due to frustration, I know that what she has done will catch up with her and all I can do is pray for her and especially her child. There is a bigger picture in life and to be so spiteful as to ruin two people's life, marriage, and family because all they ever did was look after you and help is inexcusable and definitely unforgivable. I refuse to let the bastards grind me down!

So what is our next step? Well as of Jan 22 I am officially done with my undergrad and we will be creating a life in a home with lots of land and space to take care of the two most important people in my life, my, well our grandparents. While I cant jump for joy just yet (we still have to see what we qualify for and start our search), Kyle and I couldn't be more excited to finally begin the life we have planned since we first started dating. Our lives are slowly getting on the path we always planned it to be and as long as we keep each other centered and stay patient, our new beginning is just around the corner.

Time is love, and I couldn't be happier to be giving all my time to the one man who has always given nothing but that to me. No one will EVER bring us down and all we can do is walk hand in hand into what is always sure to be a very bright future.

Until next time friends,


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