Tuesday, March 27, 2012

perfection.. or damn near close

So it has been a while since I last updated but a lot has been going on. I can report the wedding is over with and we have officially been Mr. & Mrs. Zeman for a month on Sunday. My grandmother finished what we are hoping to be her last round of chemo last week, and Kyle and I have made a huge decision that come the end of this year we are looking to buy our first home. After discussing with family and going over the qualifications we are ready to own a home. No more renting! Even though I absolutely love my home now, we want a yard that is big enough for the dog, a place to store our bikes, and I want to be able to paint the walls whatever color I want and when the time comes create my dream nursery. While some may think its a little premature to be thinking about such a big step we have planned our life together and we want a place to be ours. This is a big step and we both know a lot comes along with owning a home but we are ready to finally settle into an establishment that is truly known as Casa De Zeman with no landlords, no nosy neighbors, no association, no yard to design and no bland color walls. We are excited for this journey and with graduation in January for me we are looking forward to creating a life that we have been planning for since before we said "I DO".  Life is a journey and I couldn't be more excited to see what our journey together has in store for us and our family <3. I can say that marriage is a blessing and I couldn't imagine not being able to spend the rest of my life with this man. So many people have had so many negative things to say about our unity and honestly we have seen that through being married just how true friends are. So many people treat us like we are plagued are something all because we are married. I mean yes, with marriage comes a family but I am not popping out babies anytime soon so why is it such an issue? No, I do not party and go crazy but honestly I grew out of that stage three months after I turned 21 when the same things got boring. Being drunk out of my mind every night or going to a club to have a man drenched in sweat look at me like a piece of meat it just not something I find appealing anymore. I do love to dance and every once in a while I do want to get dressed up and do just that but when friends around me just want to pound drinks and forget their name, then its no fun anymore. I can say now I am in preparation for mommy mode. I have been working out and trying to get my body healthy and where I want to be before we decide to try and have kids. We have planned that by the end of next year or beginning of the following we will start trying but if it should happen then so be it.  A child is a blessing and we are married so no one can say anything is wrong about it! Life has some big plans for me and Kyle and we are both ready to take the reigns and see what our sure to be bright future has in store. Until next time friends...